The Journal of Performance Magic focuses on a multidisciplinary and contemporary approach to the field . Covering the influence, legacy and future of performance magic on wider performing arts practice and other diverse academic disciplines. In recent years the academic study of performance magic has made exciting creative links within emerging disciplines; such links include the cognitive sciences, architectural design, and emerging technologies. The Journal of Performance Magic seeks to strengthen these links as well as encourage reflection on areas of performance magic not already covered in publication and develop new perspectives on areas already heavily researched.
We operate on a rolling-publication basis, releasing articles during the course of a volume. Special Issues and CFPs annouced in the 'News' section.
For the main body of the Journal, we welcome the submission of scholarly articles, interviews, accounts of practice, book and performance reviews.
We also offer a section of the Journal - [edges] for comments, reviews and creative, non-standard approaches to magic performance and research.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Posted by Nik Taylor on 2024-10-25
Exposing magic secrets is often seen as spoiling the sense of wonder that magic creates. Most magic clubs and societies strictly forbid their members from revealing magic secrets to the public. However, the exact meaning of "exposing a magic trick" is often unclear, and professional magicians rarely explore this concept in detail. Brian Rappert and Gustav Kuhn address this issue in their paper, [...]
Posted by Nik Taylor on 2024-10-22
We are currently accepting work for Volume 9. We will the operate on a rolling-publication basis, releasing articles during the course of the volume. We accept academic articles, comments, reviews and creative, non-standard approaches to magic performance and research. Get in touch for further details.
Posted by Nik Taylor on 2024-10-22
Our next issue [8] will be a guest-edited volume exploring themes arising from The Art and Aesthetics of Illusion workshop held at The Magic Circle on 11 July 2023.